During a two year period in 1997 and 1998, a unique backstamp for each year was added to dolls that were part of the Annalee Davis Thorndike Museum Collection. Original Price 39.78 Specifying reasonable shipping and handling costs in your listing is essential for smart sellingand it improves your search ranking when buyers sort by total cost. Mice dressed for all holidays, occasions, and occupations became the companys best-selling products in the 1970s. Listing titles are used by eBays search engine to pull up listings during a search. 5. Receive our catalog mailing from Annalee Dolls! Other volumes to this set of three are 969089 and 969290. The larger, the better if you're trying to make a profit off of these dolls with elongated limbs and painted faces. To meet demand, the company contracted home workers to continue the cottage industry of doll-making. Annalee Dolls Coupon & Promo Codes Code 20 Off Regular Little Dolls 24 uses today Sale Any 3 Little Thinker Dolls For 60 1 use today Sale 30 Off Select L.O.L. (20% off), Sale Price USD 31.94 Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. For instance, one set with their wooden stands intact lists on Etsy for $349. I have been collecting Annalee Dolls since 1992. Popular members of the 10-inch Bratz pack, include Cloe, Sasha, Jade, and Yasmin. Annalee Dolls - 20,000 New & Vintage Annalee Mobilitee Dolls. Original Price 29.25 Buyers want to know that they are paying extra for shipping for a good reason. Starting in 1954, a new 1 -inch by -inch woven fabric tag began to be used. Oversized Annalees are also where it's at when it comes to value. Dressed in a cornflower blue hat and boots with an indigo blue jacket and orange scarf. Even with this new information, reading the tags was still complicated. Version 2: Same as version one, but with slightly larger size. Katy Sunderhaus. At some point during the 1980s the Annalee logo head was added to the tags. (20% off), Ad vertisement from shop Firecrackerfarms, Sale Price 44.92 Much of the museum contents were auctioned off at that time. State important characteristics of your itemwhat it is, brand, doll or product name, collection, color, and condition. All Rights Reserved. If any pieces could be damaged by water, make sure you wrap them with a layer of sealed plastic or place them into waterproof Ziploc bags. Original Price USD 26.62 This market is quite accessible and easy to learn about, so with some knowledge of age and condition, one can certainly find an Annalee Mobilitee Doll that suits their style and personality. USD 32.91, USD 41.14 Innovative design, unique themes, and celebrity Barbies always keep buyers coming back for more. It was still green on white. Most Annalee dolls are around 12 inches tall, with some individual designs created in oversized formats. Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Doll Collecting Traces Roots to the 18th Century, Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice: Collecting Hard Plastic Dolls of the 1950s, Rinker on Collectibles: Why the Secondary Doll Market is in the Doldrums. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. You can also send photos once I've connected you. Something went wrong. Crafting a cheap, stuffed felt alternative to porcelain and bisque dolls popular a decade before the Depression, Annalee Thorndike took a vibrant and creative approach to her self-named kiddie toys. Whether you are saving up for that must-have addition, looking to add to your new collection or purchasing a play doll for a child, selling on eBay is the perfect way to earn extra money. Version 2: Same as version one, but the year changes to 1964. A guide to the whimsical posable felt characters created in New Hampshire since 1950. mb This lasted for about nine years before she turned to doll-making once more to support her struggling family. (Photo #1). Annalee's large, standalone reindeer comes with a mistletoe in its ear, and a saddlebag filled with gifts for good girls and boys. The contents of the doll is printed on the back of the tag. USD 18.63, USD 26.62 When she married Chip Thorndike, there was a brief interlude where she focused solely on their poultry and auto parts businesses. Meredith, NH: Whiteface Publishing Co., 1990. Though some flaws may be less obvious, they certainly impact the dolls value as a collectible. Here's how to get started in your search for them. Annalee's vintage oversized reindeer is a sight of felt and sewed craftsmanship that any fabric worker will admire. Was: $20.99 12% off. Using free research tools before seeking appraisals, can make a big difference to your bottom line financially. Answer any questions about your item promptly. That said, it is imperative for prospective buyers to do some research before spending large sums on these quirky dolls. Generally, Annalee collectors tend to be a niche group of older adults who find joy in seeing the familiar designs from their childhood. Barbara Annalee Davis, the founder of Annalee Mobilitee Dolls, made puppets as a hobby growing up in Concord, New Hampshire. USD 23.23, USD 29.04 You can attract attention to your item with a photo next to your listings in search results. Captcha failed to load. Thorndike Family & Research Dept. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Popular Barbies include Betty Barbie, Veronica Barbie, Holiday Barbie, Princess of Holland Barbie, Princess of Hawaii Barbie, Queen of the Gypsies Lucy, or Evening Splendor Barbie, to name just a few. While there's not as big of a collector community as there was a few decades ago, the remaining collectors are just as dedicated to finding new and old dolls alike. If you don't have a holy grail, an item may still be valuable. (25% off), Sale Price USD 12.70 (20% off), Sale Price USD 18.63 $25.19. Copyright and registration marks began appearing regularly in the 1960s. The last thing you want to do is leave one sitting out just in your dog's eyeline. 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. From Barbie fashions to Barbie furniture one thing is sure: Barbie doll collectors will never run out of inspiration, imagination, or options to fuel their passion by buying your stuff on eBay. The next step for dating purposes would be to examine the items tag, if it is still present. $25 $0. 3+ day shipping. Annalee Dolls & Doll Playsets All Auction Buy It Now 9,195 Results Brand: Annalee Brand Set Includes Time Period Manufactured Year Manufactured Material Condition Price Buying Format All Filters SPONSORED LARGE Annalee Vintage 1988 Halloween "Trick or Treat" Witch Mouse Doll 20" C $116.56 Was: C $122.70 C $49.81 shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED Today, you can still visit the corporate office and gift shop in New Hampshire. Large Santas, reindeer, and other characters used for holiday displays also command high prices. There were dolls for every occasion and holiday. Examine your doll for any brands, tags, or names. Antique dolls: Antique dolls were made prior to 1930. Sell on Bonanza. On a very early skier doll, for example, you will find the Annalee tag glued to the underside of a ski. Introduce yourself through your About Me page and MyWorld. Equipped with wooden stands to help them stay upright, this Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus would make the perfect addition to anyone's holiday decor. (20% off), Sale Price USD 28.29 This list is not an endorsement of any particular venue. Annalee Dolls 5 7 #2 of 11 Shopping in Meredith Speciality & Gift Shops Visit website Call Write a review What people are saying " SALE " Jul 2020 Most of the items were 60% off. plus expert appraisal, valuation, FREE sale advice and brokerage services, a FREE price/value guide, FREE sale prices, values, wish list and more. You can also program the calculator to add in the cost of packaging materials and your handling fee, if any. Collectors dream of finding these rare and pricey NASCAR cards. One-of-a-Kind (OOAK) dolls: Unique one-of-a-kind dolls do not have replicas and will never be created again. However, these vibrant lead-glazed ceramics have transitioned from an overlooked Victorian st, 9 Smart Placesto Putan Antique Wooden Bench in Your Home. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. Millions of people come to eBay in search of Dolls and accessories. Once youve sealed up your package, you can pay for shipping and print shipping labels right from your PayPal account. This online archive also features many of the catalogs that were produced by the company through the years. If you've found your way here, then it's possible you have a funny and lanky felt friend with an Annalee tag that you're thinking of parting with, or maybe you're a collector wondering about your dolls' values. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750, Relevant Toys, Dolls, Games & Puzzles Articles, Give It a Nod: Celebrating National Bobblehead Day, Holy Bat-Gadget, Batman: Caped Crusader Collectibles from 1966. One way to help ensure good feedback is to communicate well, represent your item truthfully in your listing, and be polite. Before committing to a consignment agreement. To make sure that you won't come to an unexpected mold situation the next time you open them up, you should always clean your dolls before putting them in storage. Original Price USD 35.09 With thousands of entries in the Worthopedia Price Guide, these whimsical figures are certainly a popular collectible. Original Price USD 18.15 Each of the companies listed on the Opinions, Authentication, and Grading page that provides authentication and/or grading services is an independent company, and eBay is not responsible in any way for any action, inaction, opinion or service in connection with these companies. Support your favorite cause and enhance buyer trust and loyalty at the same time. Buyers also love finding Barbie accessory sets, such as the If you use foam peanuts, be aware that they may shift in transit, so overfill your box. 10 Annalee Christmas & Halloween Dolls all With Tags going cheap $30.00 8 bids $18.90 shipping 3d 17h Set of 3 Annalee St. Patrick's 2013-12 Jolly Irish Gentleman 9" ~ Pied Piper $10.99 3 bids $8.27 shipping 5d 15h SPONSORED ANNALEE DOLLS 2010 8" VALENTINE BAKER BEAR Heart Cookie Be Mine Red White Check $18.88 $4.06 shipping SPONSORED Annalee Dolls 3in Harvest Cornucopia Mouse. The tags were made of beige paper with black ink. In 1974, a green folded paper hang tag, with a string attached, was added to the dolls in addition to their sewn-in tags. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Annalee Mobilitee Dolls was founded by Barbara Annalee Davis of Concord, New Hampshire. (30% off). Size: 3 inches Annalee Dolls. All rights reserved. Please go to the Settings from the Mobile app for more details. Annalee Doll, Annalee Deer, Annalee Mobilitee Doll, 1991 Annalee, Stuffed Deer, Vintage Annalee Mobilitee Doll ~ Annalee Easter ~ 1968 Annalee Easter Rabbit, 2003 Annalee Mobilitee 10" Whimsicalee Annalee Doll, Annalee Dolls Bon Voyage Traveling Mouse Annalee Mobilitee 7", NWT New Annalee Mobilitee 10" Ballerina Kitty Kat Doll Cat, Annalee Dolls Farmer Bunny Annalee Mobilitee 7", Annalee Doll, Annalee Deer, Annalee Mobilitee Doll, 1982 Annalee, Stuffed Deer, Vintage Annalee Mobilitee Doll Baby, Elf, Christmas, Irish Cat Annalee 2004 New with Tags Annalee Mobilitee Dolls, Annalee Dolls Artist Painter Bunny Doll Annalee Mobilitee. However, they often help you find out if your, More about Noel Barrett (Antiques Roadshow), Antiques Roadshow - Doll Appraiser Venues, Antiques Roadshow gathers many of the worlds top appraisers, free tickets to an upcoming appraisal event, check appraiser qualifications and venue customer ratings before using their service, According to an eBay study, U.S. households can, This list is meant to be illustrative not comprehensive. The year indicates the date of patent or copyright registration but not the year of actual production. . The tags on an Annalee doll have changed and evolved through the years. A Nice Gift. Because Annalee Dolls are so beloved, they often show signs of display and even over-handling (what child could resist picking up the soft and silly dolls for a little play?). The tag was light green with a script Annalee woven in. Because you can contact consignment venues directly. Communication is the key to a successful transaction. While prices vary greatly based on the popularity of a given doll, ultimately, the dolls condition and vintage will determine its price. (800) 433-6557, Get exclusive offers, deals and more with Annalee Dolls Newsletter. Read our Cookie Policy. Don't exceed the maximum gross weight of the box (usually printed on bottom flap). View cart for details. 339 Daniel Webster Highway Barbara Annalee Davis, the founder of Annalee Mobilitee Dolls, made puppets as a hobby growing up in Concord, New Hampshire. Keywords are a great way to attract buyers to your listing, especially when used correctly in your Listing Title. If you can't seem to find an area like this, or would prefer to use indoor lighting, try surrounding your item with desk, overhead, or floor lamps. Check out our annalee dolls vintage selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our reborn dolls shops. 50 $34.94 $34.94. In 2001, production was moved overseas, though the business was otherwise headquartered in New Hampshire. Bratz doll accessories: From funky Bratz doll clothes and fashion packs, to the Bratz doll beauty salon & spa, Bratz convertible cars, or even Bratz doll loft apartments, there are plenty of Bratz doll accessories that are on demand on eBay. I liked the quality of the product and the fact that they were being made in New Hampshire. From 1987 to the present, Annalee has embroidered the year of production on each dolls tag. Dating Your Annalee Doll Using the Seam Tag. Suecoffee.com. Original Price USD 48.39 The series recreated select dolls from Annalees earlier years. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Annalee Dolls is located in Meredith, NH and was founded in the 1950s by Annalee Thornkike. Native American and African-American dolls also share their historical background. Groovy Girls dolls: Groovy Girls rag dolls from Manhattan Toy are geared toward 3- to 10-year-olds, but are loved by buyers and collectors of all ages. Because Annalee Dolls are still in production and can even be found in your average gift or home decor shop, a discerning eye is required. Details that might otherwise seem inconsequential, such as machine embroidery versus printing, or satin versus gauze, can indicate age. Just one of the many valuable holiday Annalee dolls, the duo is worth about $250-$350. American For example, a dapper Scrooge is selling on Ruby Lane for $99, and everyone's favorite Bob Cratchit and Tiny Tim are listed for $95. Official Annalee Headquarters, Open Daily 10am - 5pm 339 Daniel Webster Highway Meredith, New Hampshire 03253 (800) 433-6557 Find a Retailer Near You Your location Search radius Theriault's, founded in 1970 by Florence and George Theriault, the firm has specialized exclusively in the appraisal and auction of antique dolls and bears. Restoration dolls: A restored collectible doll has had repairs, such as repainting of body parts, or replacement of missing clothing. The following provides just a small sampling of the myriad of Dolls that you could sell on eBay. Original Price 46.79 Some of the technologies we use are necessary for critical functions like security and site integrity, account authentication, security and privacy preferences, internal site usage and maintenance data, and to make the site work correctly for browsing and transactions. Stores in Manchester and Boston began using them as window decorations, and the State of New Hampshire hired Annalee to make dolls for use in promoting the state as a tourist destination. If there were two dates listed, then the artwork was likely revised in the later year. you can preview these items throughout the week by signing up with our signupgenius link on our website. The earliest dolls may have handwritten tags or no tags at all. Activate & View. Note: Opinions expressed by evaluators are theirs alone. The following provides just a small sampling of the myriad of Dolls that you could sell on eBay. Consistently earned 5-star reviews, shipped orders on time, and replied quickly to messages, Looks like you already have an account! ANNALEE Dolls 9" Gingerbread Chef 1998 collectible annalee Retrolooft (151) $25.00 Cloth Felt Toy Soldier British Guard Nutcracker Doll Annalee Mobilitee '88 Ornament Hand Painted Face 19" w/ Stand DianasChicBoutique (261) $49.95 Vintage Annalee Plush Dolls. But, you don't need to attend an event to get free selling guidance from venues represented by their appraisers. The block letters saying ANNALEE were sewn in, not printed. USD 26.62, USD 30.25 In the earliest years many fabric changes were made. Buyers may lose interest in an item if they place a bid and find it doesn't meet the reserve. . Spain | English (US) | (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. Original Price USD 26.62 Baby doll accessories: Most baby doll makers, including Lee Middleton baby dolls and Adora baby dolls, offer a wide array of baby doll clothes and accessories for their baby dolls as well. However, the term typically applies to dolls made 25 to 75 years ago. Check your MTG collection! To get a real-time view of whats in demand, what buyers are searching for, and what items are selling the most, visit Dolls & Bears Seller Central. Make sure you package your item safely and securely. It is used over a non-poly woven content tag, both sewn in. Original Price 33.93 Large Vintage Annalee Mobilitee Dolls Deer Reindeer Closed Eyes | Dolls & Bears, Dolls, Clothing & Accessories, Dolls & Doll Playsets | eBay! By accepting PayPal payments, you can build buyer confidence and help protect yourself. When she married Chip Thorndike, there was a brief interlude where she focused solely on their poultry and auto parts businesses. Initiatives such as The Mouse for Every House line increased the popularity of Annalee. The company today continues to specialize in mice and other characters with holiday, seasonal, and hobby themes. Original Price USD 30.21 Photos are the closest you can get to putting your Dolls and accessories in the hands of potential buyers. Using the appraiser directory listed on the Antiques Roadshow website How It Works. Make sure you only use a term when you are sure it applies to your item. During the summer of 2016 Annalees Headquarter and Gift Shop moved to a new and more centralized location in Meredith. Meredith, New Hampshire 03253 Even if it doesn't meet a top auctioneers standards. To do this, many sellers prefer to set an opening bid below what the item is actually worth. All of these details will give you a better estimate of your items value, and educating your buyers can increase the attraction of your item. In the later 50s and early 60s a symbol was added to this tag as patents and trademarks on the dolls were being registered. Rare items, making news by fetching high-prices. There is not necessarily a way to hack this market it seems there is not one particular design or date that is far and away the most desirable. We are constantly building this archive with additional designs.) comments powered by (20% off), Ad vertisement from shop GemstoneAndVintage, Sale Price 31.82 Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Original Price USD 29.04 Dolls Artists and Limited Edition Discussion Board, Got a collection collecting dust? Orders over $50 containing all 2019 - Ship Free. We are always willing to accept donations of dolls for our club collection, charitable endeavors, and to share with our Jr. Collectors and members just starting out in collecting. I met Annalee Thorndike when I went on a Annalee day cruise on the M/S Mount Washington for collectors of her dolls. Dolls made since then are dated with the year of manufacture. Where facial expressions are important Specializing in Annalee Dolls Made in Meredith, NH USA. Sue Coffee is the leading collector and expert on retired Annalee dolls, and she runs her own website full of collector resources and an ever-changing catalog full of dolls you can buy. Keep in mind that anyone can view public collectionsthey may also appear in recommendations and other places. For example, on a 1971 12-inch Nightshirt Girl Mouse with Candle the tag is glued underneath (on her bum). Try taking your item outside on a sunny day and photograph it in a shady area. Their business was officially incorporated in 1955. Use a plain, colored fabric backdrop to make your item stand out. Maybe you'll find one in your old collection! Try beginning with a low starting pricesuch as 99 centsto jumpstart bidding activity. Original Price USD 41.14 Larger dolls can command higher prices, such as this life-size Santa Claus shown below. The Doll Society logo and the year is printed on the front. How much is your Annalee Mobilitee Doll Worth? Annalee Thorndike passed away the following year. Older Annalee dolls from the 1930s are hard to find in unloved and pristine condition, so they'll always fetch a bit more than your average well-loved ones from the '80s and '90s. Tips for Keeping Your Annalee Dolls in Tip-Top Condition Maybe you're not ready to sell your Annalee dolls yet, but if you ever want to in the future, it's super important that you store and clean your dolls properly. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. Annalee Price Index and Collectors Information Guide, Volume 2: Animals. Coffee, Sue. 56 uses. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Cute and Adorable all in One. If you're not sure how old your Annalee doll is, the company has a great resource on their website that you can use to date your doll using the different tags that they've attached over the years. Here are some tips on how to best represent your item: Choose the Right Background: Use a contrasting, solid backdrop. A helpful consideration presented by Coffee is that if you observe evidence of glue on the hands, it is very likely the piece is missing an accessory. The backstamp for 1998 an A, a key, the year 1998 on a diamond-shaped silhouette. Always Consult with Reputable Specialist - Before making important buy or sell decisions. (Photo #3) It was white with red script Annalee lettering on the first line and block lettering saying Meredith, NH on the second line. Sold Separately. Competitor Discount Codes: Get Up To $100 Off With These Annalee Dolls Competitor Coupons for Seasonal Decor (January 2023) See Competitor Codes. The company suggests that you never submerge your dolls in water or harsh chemicals, but that they're perfectly safe to clean with a warm, wet cloth or cotton swab. Most Annalee dolls made since 1960 have a sewn-in tag. As doll production moved into the 2000s, tagging became more consistent. But, you don't need to attend an event to get free selling guidance from venues represented by their appraisers. 2023 LoveToKnow Media.
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