Phew! Sid: So, how did your brother call Lori Loud about Lincoln hurts your feelings? ), Musician: Uno, dos, trois! (dumps discarded sub wrappers on the table) Nobody can eat this many subs and not wreak havoc on the plumbing! Signed, Ronnie-Anne. So much for being so mature Lori. Youre talking to a Fish Brawlers collector., Lincoln: (happily gasp) I like those games too!, Ronnie Anne: Did we just become best friends? Lincoln: Hey Ronnie Anne, Sid and Adelaide! Lincoln: Okay, Clyde, less talking, more walking. Lana: WE'VE GOT SOMETHING! Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Meanwhile, Lincoln is running on the sidewalk when he then turns into the forest nearby. Ronnie-Anne: Yeah, we weirdos clean up nice. Fine! Lincoln: I'll be done when I'm- (notices something on the floor) That's an odd shadow. Clyde:(On walkie talkie) Lincoln, are you here? Please, no musica. About yesterday. You're back so soon. That is until your sisters convinced you to come outside and kiss me. (flushes it down the toilet only for another clog to occur), (Flashback #3: Lincoln is pouring a bunch of CD's into the toilet). I'm sorry for not letting you talk! Save the date AU After Lincoln returns home, he comes face to face with an outraged Lori Loud who is heartbroken after Bobby breaks up with her. (looks up to the ceiling lamp and finds a clue) Aha! That's the only way he'll get back together with me! Luan: (Surprised) What?! Lincoln then starts forming tears in his eyes. Lincoln: (sighs) You win, Ronnie Anne. (Classmate #1 pulls the cloth back only to see nothing under it.) It doesn't really work out that great! Luan: Whoever that belongs to is gonna be the laughing stock of this house! Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! Luna: Plus, I'm sick of seeing everyone blame you for something I know you didn't do. Lynn: I never saw you so happy for Lincoln in your life. We could've only talked it out, yet I kept acting like an immature baby. Synopsis She was so quick to point the finger at me, and you know what they say, "She who dodged it, lodged it! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lynn: Oh sure, go try and defend yourself! You know what that does to your digestive system? Two flat water(gives the third one to Lori.) (suddenly, he looks behind him to see that his five classmates who were teasing him at the beginnign have just arrived at the restaurant.). Sid: So, how did you guys went to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet? ", Lori: "SoBobby and I were I'm thinkingyou and Ronnie Anne should come along., Lincoln: Uh, I dont know about that. : at least it was n't very loud house brawl in the family rewrite fanfiction, but was looking for sometimes. It's like we're literally meant to be. Lincoln: I have to go on a double date at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet with Ronnie-Anne. (Later that day, Lincoln comes home after school. ), Lincoln: Clyde, no! (Puts down walkie talkie and hears a knock). (As Ronnie-Anne laughs again, Lincoln quickly hides under the table. (Too late, his classmates have spotted him.). Luan: I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for making fun of you today. Read and find out. That's also why you never caught a glimpse of me when I did pick on you, because I was shy around you. I get insulted by you guys almost 24/7! ), Classmate #4:(Reading the note) Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. ], [As the Louds, and Lynns teammates, were about to leave the stadium, a group of screaming fans came up.] Leni: (pulls out a signed Ace Savvy comic book) We went to the comic book store to get your book signed! I know I'm supposed to call you at home, but it's a Lori emergency. Ohh, mints! Lori: Yeah. Classmate #3: I knew it! Lincoln then continues to walk down the sidewalk when he hears footsteps behind him. "Hi. (Lincoln walks into the kitchen where Lynn Sr. was). THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT BOBBY WAS TALKING ABOUT! Lola: Well duh! I DO like her, but i'm not madly in love with her! You're wearing date pants! Two flat water(gives the third one to Lori.) (Ronnie-Anne chuckles and then puts her arm around him while lifting out her other arm as if she's taking a selfie right now as he imitates Lori again.) I hope on one else had the Chile Con Escargots! LIKE THE MOST SPECIAL GIRL! Lincoln: Yeah, and how about all the selfies? I swear! She then gives a glare at the classmates and they look away from her. You know how they are. Ronnie Anne forgave me, Lori and Bobby finally learned to not push people into turning into them and they finally understanded me. He is hesitant to open the door, but he goes in anyways to find the living room empty. Then explain this! We both have the same interests and we enjoy each other's company. Lucy: (readjusts macabre poster) I couldn't let our sisters know I read Princess Pony. Luna: Oh yeah? They are literally worse than Lincoln! Clyde:(comes out of the kitchen, talking on his cell phone, and starts pushing the cart.) I think you really hurt her feelings. And so Lincoln: here. It's been happening for 3 weeks straight. Up in his bedroom, Lincoln gives Clyde a call on his walkie-talkie.) It's gone. ), (Lincoln stops laughing as he sees Bobby taking Lori's hands in his. Wait! At the buffet, Lori and Bobby are trying to figure out what to do when they hear the entrance open and they saw Ronnie Anne walk in, having sympathy in her eyes. Lincoln: (sighs) No. Also, it is not canon with original series at all, since all of this is just simply my vision.) Again, I'm sorry for breaking up with you, because I didn't know Ronnie Anne would actually harm your little bro. If only I was told that she'd be Bobby's sister, then I could've avoided it all. Lori: (sounding sympathetic) Aw, Lincoln (now condescending) of course, we're gonna make fun of you! (Clyde does some victory poses and Lincoln closes the door on him to confront Lucy). Fanfic: The Comeback Ch 1, Loud House | FanFiction. Three. (goes to the bathroom), (Lincoln goes to the bathroom, but when he opens the door, water from the toilet gushes out). Luan: Oh really? Leni: (angry) I'm quite disappointed with all of you! You just listen to your music and sing along, and I don't mind it. Musician:(appearing behind Lincoln with his two companions.) Just here to help you, buddy. Luan: (suspisious) What are you so happy about? 3K Views. And he wears his underwear on the outside! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! ), Lincoln: Just, uh, dropped my fork. Lynn: And before I go Theres one more person I want you to thank. Lincoln: Cry? (they laugh some more.). Lori: Lincoln! Lincoln: Well, it looks like your story's cleanbut your training potty's not. I thought she was raised by trolls. Just stay under there and I'll wheel you out. (Later, the two pairs of siblings arrive at the restaurant. No musica. Lori: Yeahbut what happened, happened. He witnessed it all in slow motion as she kissed and pulled away. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, I thought today was gonna be the worst day of my life after what happened, but I guess the tables have turned. (Lincoln and his five sisters laugh, while the other four look annoyed). ), (As classmate #1 heads for the restrooms, Lincoln quickly ducks under a food cart containing the dessert tray.). # house # loud # perkygoth14 chapter 45: Save the Date I'd did the same if I was him, you know. Also featuring Customer:(pounding the door from outside) Hurry up! You solved the case, One-Eyed Jack! Bobby: Look you that I broke up with Lori earliar because, of your classmate make fun of you about Ronnie-Anne is your girlfriend and I see you are angry at them and Lori and I know how you feel. Clyde: Ohh, I love fusion cuisine! I kinda feel bad for what I've done after that. Bobby: Gee Lori (hugs Lori) I'm sorry that I broke up with you and I see Lincoln was really angry at you. (One clockwise screen-wipe later, Lincoln is still trying to get back on Ronnie's good side.). It's finally finished! How are we gonna get you out now? Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. Sid: I wonder how Clyde and I are in love! Nearly here He then sat under a tree and begins to cry. Meanwhile, Bobby and Lori heard everything from outside of his door and were really happy. So, were not moving? Lincoln? Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! You did the right thing by standing up for yourself. Signed, Ronnie Anne. I gotta get that check for Lori! A man of few words, and fewer emotions. Lori: You have to make thingsright with Ronnie-Anne! Welcome to the Loud House Fanfiction The Weather family moves into the neighborhood and they meet their eccentric new neighbors of one boy and ten girls. You two are so madly in love that you keep talking about how you guys are gonna get married in the future, and I know that's a fact because you guys are on your phone 24/7, talking to each other about marriage or something that has to involve your guy's relationship. No one cares at all. There were lots of fans; boys and girls, young kids, old kids, teens, and a young adult female.] [The episode begins with Lincoln at school sitting with his friends at the lunch table trying to get something out of his pants. I didn't know she was here. We'll need a diguise. And so I put my foot down and told Ronnie Anne to leave me alone. Lincoln: I can't let those guys see me on a "date" with Ronnie-Anne. Clyde: (growls jealously at Bobby and then turns his attention back to his best friend.) I just, really need to get to that convention. For the rest of the date, they tried to figure out how to resolve this. Contents 1 Plot 2 Synopsis 3 Cast 4 Music 5 Physical distribution 6 Trivia 7 International edits 8 References 9 Errors 10 Video 11 Sources Plot Bobby and Lori go on a double date with Lincoln and Bobby's little sister, Ronnie Anne . The camera shifts over to Lori and Bobby, both of whom look furious at what Lincoln just said, and then over to Ronnie Anne, who is again shocked and heartbroken at hearing Lincoln repeating these harsh words after all that bonding they just went through. Making the Grade (my version) Special thanks to BigFanofEntertainment and Jokeman20 for story assistance. I hope on one else had the Chile Con Escargots! I just wish I could've done something, but my anger and stupidity prevented me to. "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! On a typical Saturday morning, Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy. but she is then suddenly started by the appearance of a Mexican band. (hands it to Lincoln), Lincoln: Aha! Case closed! (He pulls a nearby potted plant to use as a seat. Lincoln: Aha! I might not like it so much, but I'm quite comfortable with who I am, obviously. Ronnie Anne hates me now, the classmates are probably gonna make up stuff at school tomorrow and I just flipped out at Lori and Bobby! When you did, I didn't know how to react, so I just punched you, but deep was like I just won the game of life. I don't get much in that house because since i'm the only boy, they think it's ok to insult me! ), Lincoln: Clyde, no! Lynn: Which one of you lame-o's does that belong to? Ronnie Anne: Well, Lori was having a word to Lincoln. (Lori tries to aim a teddy bear at Lincoln, but he jumps out of the way before it hits him.). Lana: You guys do remember that was just down the toilet, right? That is FAR MORE than what I gave her! Lola: Barf! Lincoln: Why don't you admit it, Lynn? We wanna make sure you don't get made fun of for what you do. (sees that it's a book), (The book is titled: Princess Pony: The Touching True Story Of A Delightful Pony Who Changes The World With Her Horse Sense). Lola, knowing that she did a good deed by reuniting Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, leaves to give the two some privacy. You're the only one who understands me. And don't forget to take selfies with my teammates. Gasp! They begin to hug and after a few seconds they find the other sisters staring at them, confused. Lana: But why did Lincoln say he was the one who did it?! We found your book in the toilet! (Clyde just lowers his eyelids at Lincoln's imitation of Luan. Flush-My-CD's-Down-The-Can?! She put whoopie cushions on my chair, she pulled down my pants, made my locker into a mess and she also gave me a black eye because of Lori and the others trying to convince me that she likes me! Which is why we're going on a double date! [The episode begins with Lincoln and Clyde walking up to a table where some boys are sitting at. It's gonna happen. FanFiction Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Classmate #4: Hey, are those khakis? Lincoln: (sigh) Time to get into more conflict. [Lynn walks over to Lisa and hoists her up.] Bobby: Well, Lincoln thinks you hate him now Ronnie, so if we all go to Lori's house and get you to apologize to Lincoln, he may forgive us all. A rather large family that sticks together through thick and thin. Lincoln:She isNOTmy girlfriend! Lincoln then starts to head to the entrance and opens the door. "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! Young amour! Lola: You aren't going out in public like that, are you? Lisa: (looks for the requested file) 1 to 4 AMHmm. Reunion selfie! Lucy: (appears out of no where) Hope you're happy. Lucy: What about Lily? My mom and Bobby say the same thing to me. ), (They pucker up to kiss, but Clyde comes between them and ruins the moment.). (It's been two days after Two Boys and a Baby, as Lincoln is covered in red spots as he's exposed to chicken pox, while Lily made a full recovery, they're in Aunt Ruth's car, as she drives them home) AUNT RUTH: Okay, Lincoln and Lily, here's your place. Ronnie Anne has a softer side to her and she now believes him. Lincoln? (But before he and his two companions can peform). I was asleep the whole time and I can prove it! To see our friends Lizzy Griffiths and Wendy's daughter Jane! So, I hear the Quiche Rancheros is excellent. 41 Favourites. Lincoln: (points at classmates) Well, talk to these guys about it! YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN AND DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! He starts to shout. He has a near death experience only to find someone saves him. You've got nothing on me! I know you didn't mean all of what you said to me, It was the classmates that made you! (Clyde suddenly pulls away the table's last chair.) (chuckles), Lincoln: "Lori(hugs her) Thanks for understanding. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Woo! (he says her name with flair). (NSL fanfic) 24 parts Ongoing I mean, friends. Eda was using a dropper to put a drop of liquid into another liquid inside a flask, but the reaction causes an eruption of gas. (Later, the two pairs of siblings arrive at the restaurant. Go do whatever stupid things you gotta do Lincoln. (wheels the cart up to their table. Lori: He still thinks it pointless to date you. (eats one). Lincoln: (gags) I'd rather lick the bathroom (Lori picks up the end table and threatens to crush him with it.). You wanna dress up like Ace Savvy, you do it, because I know you love it! Lola: (unfazed from Lucy's outburst) You're cleaning that up. I'm sick of you babbling me out! She then sits on the bed next to him. ", Ronnie Anne: [imitating Bobby] "You don't have a bad side, babe." It's like we're literally meant to be. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. We're almost out! Let bygones be bygones.. I've been writing this story this week on Thnaksgiving break for long. Am I right? But why? The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) | FanFiction Wiki | Fandom in: Alternate Endings The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) Edit Lincoln: Hey Ronnie Anne, Sid and Adelaide! Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! Lisa: Affirmative! Clyde: She thinks I'm cute? Lori: We need our check. Clyde: Ohh, I love fusion cuisine! Okay! Leni: Whoa! IN THE WORLD! Okay! Lincoln: So, how'd it end up in the toilet? YOU GUYS LAUGHING AT ME? Which is why we're going on a double date! We're almost out! Christmas, Presents, Being Together, and Helping Others, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher, How A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 Should Have Ended, The Gang Civil War 3: Crisis on Chronopolis, The All-New, All-Different Regular Show Movie: Sterling Archer x Bob Belcher/Gallery. Lynn Sr.: (walks upstairs with Lincoln) Until one of you fesses up, everyone's grounded! By this point, he is fed up of all of the mocking he got from school and now. Lisa: Uh Lynn: Its my sister here who helped my team win the. (His attempt at small talk does not appear to have done him any good;Ronnie-Anne is still scowling at him.). ", Lori: "From what Bobby told me, she's crying because she didn't know how to express her feelings. We've only got 2 more hours until the convention and three more suspects to go. The other Louds: April fools! After what happened, I wouldnt blame her if shes still upset with me., Lori: Lincoln, this could be the only chance that you and Ronnie Anne might make up., Lori: Thank you, Lincoln. No I dont. Classmate #3: Whens the wedding day, Lincoln? [The classmates, excluding Clyde, laugh.] (Lincoln quickly ducks so that his hair tuft is not sticking out.). (Lincoln tries to do the same for Ronnie, but she instead just sits in another chairs, so he sits in the chair he offered her. Let Lynn-sanity handle this. (Luna and Leni hug Lincoln, and he smiles), Lincoln: Thanks guys. (he dashes for the men's room and locks himself in.) Lincoln: I don't know, that's why I came to tell you! *The camera zooms out as he lets out a sigh. AND GUESS WHAT IF YOU EVER THREATENING ME ABOUT THAT SITUATION EVER AGAIN, THEN I WILL BRING A WILD LION!!! Lincoln: (turns around) Unless it was one of you two! (Lori chases after Lincoln, who hides behind the chair; he trips, and Lori catches him and holds him up by his shirt.). Lori: Bobby told me(starts to cry) RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!! Not one, not 2 but all 10 sisters! It hit Lincoln like it was a bullet. They just like each other's company, and i'm not gonna lie, I enjoy your company too. Lincoln: (stoically to the viewers) I'm Ace Savvy, the world's savviest crime fighter. Lynn was becoming famous, very quickly. ", Lori: "I just got a call from Bobby that you made Ronnie Anne cry. Gasp! Lynn: Uh oh. Actions speak louder than words! Well, I guess all those silly pranks I pulled on you was my own way of saying, Youre a pretty cool guy for a lame-o". I really dont. Luna: Sorry bro, looks like we couldn't find the culprit. AND ALSO I CAN'T THIS ANYMORE! It disrupts my beauty sleep. Lincoln: (To the viewers) And we need isMusica! ), (Lincoln quickly turns around in anger which startles Ronnie-Anne and left the restaurant and the whole restaurant were silent.). It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it.) It's gotta be something bigger than that! Lincoln then continues to sob while the moon shines over him. There are Lynn's soccer trophies. Luna: Bro! Lincoln: I know what you're up to. Ronnie Anne: Sup, Linc! nosuchluck theloudhouse lunaloud +2 more # 4 The Loud Of Silence by Joshua Fair 9.3K 92 16 (runs out of the scene. (They both give heartfelt smiles at each other when suddenly their older siblings come back with their arms around each other.). This story is based on the episode "Cheater by the dozen" at the part where Lincoln and a few . I don't have to go to the convention anymore. Classmates: Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Lincoln: Guys, Ronnie-Anne is NOT my girlfriend. Lori: It's all been arranged! Lincoln: Ronnie-Anne has a brother? Lincoln: (livid) Let me ask you something, how am I even suppose to date her if I won't be in the future?! Clyde: Don't worry. I haven't used the family lavatory in years! He's going to be the laughing stock of the whole house. The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) Edit. Bobby:(taps Clyde's shoulder) Uh, could I get a water? Why didn't you say so before?! ), Lori (on the phone): I'll talk to him. Wait! Not like we have things to do now anyways. They quickly shut their mouths before anything escalated on them. Luna: Bro, just calm down, I'm sure we'll find out who did it! ), Musician: Ooh, la la! ", Lincoln: "Let me finish! I mean, "show your work?" Anyways, enjoy this loving story that almost took me two weeks to get finished! They only care for themselves. Either you tell them, or I will! Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. I just wish I can at least get one person to believe me. Clyde: I gotcha, buddy. Will he and Ronnie Anne still be friends even after all of that? Why, of all the tables, did you request to sit here? Lincoln: (imitating Lori) "It's like we're literally meant to be.". Lincoln: (pulls Clyde towards him) Clyde, what are you doing!? Big Bertha's got something! Bobby: I mean, whatever. It's gone. Lincoln: (angry) Oh no you won't! Right this way. a special treat for a special lady - a nacho from Jean Juan's private collection! (takes the comic book) How did you do it? But only for the rest of your life! Classmate #1: And then I said: its not a snake, its my belt! Lincoln: (looks at paper and sees something familiar) This looks like a page from Princess Pony. She keeps a log of all our bathroom habits. Classmates: Ronnie and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Lincoln: Guys, Ronnie-Anne is NOT my girlfriend. (hangs up the phone) Nuh-uh! A bulldozer! Clyde: Clyde and Lori sitting in a tree/Oh there's no room for dumb Bobby! But look at my life, I live in a house that is full of chaos. Lincoln: Clyde, why did you let these guys sit with us? WILL MAKE HER! Ronnie Anne's face was all red because of her blushing. (just then, her gloomy macabre poster peels off and reveals a Princess Pony poster from behind) Dang it Lincoln: You've been lying to me this whole time! Bobby: Come on, Ronnie-Anne, don't be feel sad about that! Without further ado, here's a sequel to the worst episode of the entire series (until No Such Luck at . (The sisters complain about this unjust decision). Lori: Bobby told me(starts to cry) RIGHT BEFORE HE BROKE UP WITH ME!! Sid: Yeah! Lori:(sniffs;voice breaking) What should I do Bobby? Lincoln: No, no! Lori:(gasps as Clyde gets a disillusioned look on his face.) Hey, thanks, man. Classmate #4: (Reading the note) Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. (Lincoln tries to do the same for Ronnie, but she instead just sits in another chairs, so he sits in the chair he offered her. Theres hardly any for us 11 kids. (Lori heavily nudges him) You're looking lovely this evening. Ow! `` boys for! The Loud House | Lincoln Loud | Adventure Dark Insanity Evil Murder Lincoln has had enough. This is my new and improved Fanfiction of the Loud House when Lincoln wish that he had a brother or maybe an imaginary friend. - Aunt . (Lori throws a couch cushion at Lincoln, prompting him to duck;she opens a photo album showing a picture of Bobby and Ronnie-Anne together.). Lana noticed their looks, and she started to realize how mean she's been), Lana: (to herself) I'm being such a jerk to my big brother (looks down). What are you doing here? Lincoln: *to the viewers* Money is something that this family always fights about. Clyde? She's rude and gross and totally annoying. (Lincoln kicks the door open to Lola's room, only for it to close on his face; he then enters normally), Lincoln: We know you did it, Lola! This makes everyone in the buffet look over at Lincoln. Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. I want to apologize to him. As Bobby puts Lori down, a waiter slips on the mints and crashes offscreen, sendinf a mask rolling away from where he crashed.). Lori: Would you like to eat at that place with me tomorrow? Realizing her mistake..Lori has to gain forgiveness, but the only question left is..How? Ronnie Anne: Listen Lincoln, I know they are constantly with each other and are afraid of being separated, but that doesn't mean in the future they're gonna get married. Where's Lori. Lincoln: Why not? [The crowd cheered as Lynn began taking selfies with the fans, and signed autographs. (pulls out a deck of cards that spill all over the floor) Dang it. Luan: Well duh! Ronnie Anne: Thanks dudeRemember when I said that I didnt know how to express my feelings? ", Ronnie-Anne:(imitating Bobby) "You don't have a bad side, babe."

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